And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ... 2 Nephi 25:26

Sunday 30 March 2014

Annoucements & Lesson - 30 March 2014


An invitation to General Women's Meeting has been sent to all Sisters by email today - please try and come along with your daughters 8+.  It is to be held at Ipswich Chapel on Saturday 5th April at 3pm.

Please note we need your VT figures and reports in ASAP as figures have to be reported this month.  All should be given direct to Lucy Dowling unless there is something of a confidential matter which should be passed directly to Louise.


Today as a 5th Sunday we met together as Relief Society, Priesthood and Youth to hear from Bishop Pentreath and Bro Hans Donker.

We began with a scripture in John 1:35-39 where Jesus invites his soon-to-be disciples to "Come and see".  Today we discussed how we too can issue that same invitation to others to "come and see" the Saviour as Bishop shared the Ward Mission Plan with us and asked for our help in fulfilling it:

Hans explained more about Goal no. 5 and how important it is that we go on to tailor the plan to our families - or even as individuals - in how we personally are going to play our part in hastening the work of salvation.

Bishop gave two examples of upcoming events that he would particularly wants us to use in helping spread the gospel.  Firstly is an Easter activity to be held at Christchurch Park which is being organized by Sister Sarah Garnham and more information will be given shortly.

Secondly is to invite our friends, families, neighbours, colleagues and whomever we feel so inspired to our special Sacrament meeting on Sunday 20th April.  Each family were issued with some special invitations which we have been asked to share and were asked to work together as a family in determining where and when is the best way to do this.

If you have not received the invitations for your family to share please see Hans who will be able to help.

Lastly we watched the following video and felt the strong spirit of this work we are being asked by the Lord and our Leaders to assist with:

Click here to watch the video

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