And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ... 2 Nephi 25:26

Sunday 17 November 2013

Announcements - 17 November 2013

  • This week is our Ward Temple week.  The timings of the endowment sessions have changed at the London Temple.
          Tuesday - Friday these now start at: 9am / 10am / 11.15am / 12.15pm
        1.30pm / 2.30pm / 4pm / 5pm / 6pm / 7pm / 8pm (Fri only)

          Saturday the times are: 8am / 9am / 9.30am / 10am / 10.30am
       11.15am / 11.45am / 12.15pm / 12.45pm / 2pm / 3pm

  • Friday 6th December at 7.30pm is our ward R/S Christmas activity.  We have something very special planned this year and would love as many of you as possible to come. 

  • Saturday 7th December - Stake Christmas Activity.  Details to follow

  • Saturday 14th December - Ward Christmas Activity.  This will be a wonderful activity where friends can be invited to come along.  If any of you world enjoy getting involved in the organisation of this activity, please let Louise know.  Exciting things are in the offing :)

  • Please also remember next Sunday is the Primary Sacrament Presentation.  A wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family to see our little ones and the spirit they always bring


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