And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ... 2 Nephi 25:26

Sunday 27 July 2014

Visiting Teaching Supervisors


As you may know we have recently been calling and working with our Visiting Teaching Supervisors to help us gather accurate reports of all the VT efforts you make. 

We have listed below those routes which already have VT Supervisors assigned - the remainder will be sorted shortly.  PLEASE ensure you report back EVERY month to your Supervisor, no matter how much you have or haven't done.  And if you have problems please speak to them as they will be able to help you achieve your VT successfully.

For those of you who have not yet been assigned VT Supervisors, please continue to hand in your figures / reports to either Lucy Dowling or Sara.

Supervisor - Lucy Dowling:

Maxine & Keith
Marian & Joanne
Gail & Pauline
Yvonne & Dorothy
Sarah S & Lucy
Karen P
Jackie W

Supervisor - Jane Albright:

Viv & Miriam
Margaret & Nikki
Sara & Jane
Ann H
Ros & Jackie
Pam TA
Susan R

Supervisor - Alice Santos:

Catherine & Alice
Kim & Denise
Gail A & Trish
Graca & Raquel
Lesley & Alice
Cristina / Ariel / Ana Bela
Betty & Coral

Supervisor - Isabel Prudencio:

Elisabete & Diana
Fatima & Maria P
Ana & Isabel
Paula & Sofia
Rogelia & Sonia
Alex Z

Supervisor - Sabrina Correira:

Kate & Sarah G
Leeanne & Beth
Louise & Sue K
Cristina & Sabrina
Gloria & Annie
Marta & Ana

Any problems please speak to the Presidency or Lucy.

Announcements & Lesson - 27 July 2014


With the holiday season upon us, it is easy for us to miss sisters for a few weeks and assume they are on holiday.  Please keep a special eye out for the sisters on your VT list and let the Presidency know of any issues that arise.

Also - please can you ensure your VT figures for July are given to your VT supervisors or to Lucy ASAP. We will add a list of who the supervisor you need to report to on here shortly.

We have the baptism of Lois' husband Liam Stopher on Saturday at 6pm, it would be lovely to come along and support the family.

Our next RS Activity will be on Wednesday 20th August where we will be having our annual Fish and Chips in Felixstowe.

The cleaning team for this week is:  Richard & Gail Dowling, Cristina and Raul Nunes, Roberto & Sabrina Correira and Ron Littlewood.

We have had a few offers of furniture, is these are of any use to you please contact the person direct:

* Derrick Dawdry has a neighbour with a sofa and 2 armchairs available
* Trisha Read has 2 single bed bases available
* Gloria Watson has a dresser available


This weeks lesson was given by Sister Annie Green and was taken from an amazing talk given at the April General Conference by Elder David A Bednar "Bear up their burdens with ease".

This talk is precious for each of us and well worth another listen - you can hear the talk by clicking HERE

You may remember the talk as a story was shared about a man who was desperate to buy a four wheel drive truck, finding all kinds of excuses to justify the purchase to his wife.  Eventually they made the decision to indeed purchase the vehicle - to prove his point he decided to go into the mountains and chop and collect wood, only to discover the vehicle got stuck in all the snow. It could ONLY be moved once a load was added to the back allowing some traction and movement.  Elder Bednar shared how we too need a load, a load that will allow spiritual traction enabling us to them move forward.

In groups today we discussed various questions raised in the talk such as Why is a load necessary?  Are all loads spiritually equal?  How do we come unto Christ?
How do we become yoked to Christ?

They are vital questions that we ALL need to know the answers too - make time this week to hear / read this talk again and find the answers YOU need.  Listen to the spirit and let Him teach you.

A few of the special quotes you may wish to consider are as follows:

"Making and keeping sacred covenants yokes us to and with the Lord Jesus Christ.  In essence, the Saviour is beckoning us to rely upon and pull together with Him, enough though our best efforts are not equal to and cannot be compared with His....We are not and never need be alone.  We can press forward in our daily lives with heavenly help.  Through the Saviour's atonement we can receive capacity and strength beyond our own."

"Do we also understand the Atonement is for faithful men and women who are obedient, worthy and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully?  I wonder if we fail to fully acknowledge this strengthening aspect of the Atonement in our lives and mistakenly believe we must carry the load all alone - through sheer grit, willpower and discipline and with our obviously limited capacities."

"The Saviour has suffered not just for our sins and iniquities - but also for our physical pains and anguish, out weaknesses and shortcomings, our fears and frustrations, our disappointments and discouragement, our regrets and remorse, our despair and desperation, the injustices and inequities we experience, and the emotional distresses that beset us...there is no physical pain, no spiritual wound, no anguish of soul or heartache, no infirmity or weakness you or I ever confront in mortality that the Saviour did not experience first....He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy.  He can reach out, touch, succor, heal and strengthen us to be more than we could ever be and help us to do that which we could never do relying upon our own power."

Monday 21 July 2014

WE DID IT !!!!

Sisters, we did it with 4 hours to spare!  50,000 people worldwide have indexed in this 24 hour period!  Amazing effort - well done to all those who took part.  And there is still 4 hours to go if you haven't done your batch yet....

Sunday 20 July 2014

Announcements & Lesson - 20 July 2014


Are YOU one in 50,000?  Don't forget this is the weekend for the Worldwide Indexing Event where the church aim to have 50,000 indexers and arbitrators taking part in a 24 hour period!  In the UK our 24 hours goes from Monday 01:00am to Tuesday 12.59am.  Please take part and help the project be a success.  You only have to index ONE batch (or as many as you wish) to be part of it.  If you have never indexed before Sister Beverly Roddie can talk you through how to register.

For those of you with girls in YW - a reminder that the activity this Tuesday is a trip to Felixstowe, leaving the chapel at 7pm and returning at 9pm.  Please ensure your girls are at the chapel ready to leave on time!
The next RS activity will also be in Felixstowe for our annual fish and chip evening - Wed 20th August.
The cleaning team for this week is:  Torres Family, Watling Family, Marta and the Gull Family.
Sister Joanne Stockill needs some help this week with care for Deborah between the hours of 9-5.  If you can help for a couple of hours please get in touch with Jo, she would very much appreciate it.
We had a wonderful teacher today - Sister Carissa Giles who recently moved to Ipswich with her family.  She did a fabulous job teaching Chapter 14 'The Gift of the Holy Ghost' from the President Joseph Fielding Smith manual.
What a precious gift we each have the opportunity of receiving as we take the decision to be baptised into the Church, the gift of a companion and friend, in the Holy Ghost. We know he is the third member of the Godhead, is a spirit and can be the greatest blessing to each of us. 
Carissa shared this lovely video with us as we began to think about the role of the Holy Ghost in our own lives and what part we play in keeping him there?
We heard some lovely experiences today of what can happen when we choose to make some quiet time in our lives for the Spirit to speak to us...we heard of sisters who were led to the missionaries, of sisters who were protected in dangerous situations and sisters who felt comfort and peace.  As Carissa shared, every good thing comes from the Lord, so it is worth us following every prompting we receive.  How do YOU see the Holy Ghost in YOUR life?  How do YOU feel His promptings?
President Smith said this:  "It is my judgement that there are many members of this church who have been baptised for the remission of their sins and who have had hands laid upon their heads for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but who have never received that gift - that is, the manifestations of it.  Why?  Because they have never put themselves in order to receive these manifestations.  They have never humbled themselves.  They have never taken the steps that would prepare them for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  Therefore, they go through life without that knowledge, they are lacking in understanding.  When those who are cunning and crafty in their deceit come to them criticizing the authorities of the church and the doctrines of the church, these weak members do not have understanding enough, information enough, and enough of the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord to resist false doctrines and teachings.  They listen and think that perhaps they have made a mistake, and the first thing you know they find their way out of the church, because they do not have understanding."
Sisters - do we understand the gift we have been given and how to prepare our lives to be worthy of it? 
We finished today with the following video and a beautiful testimony from Carissa of the Holy Ghost and the blessing it has been in her life.


Sunday 13 July 2014

Announcements & Lesson - 13 July 2014


A huge thank you to all those who took part in Helping Hands yesterday.  We managed to add 1,048 graves to the Billion Graves site.  If you were not able to help yesterday, you can still be a part of this great work.  If you click HERE it will show you a map of all the photos we took yesterday, all the tags that are green still need to have the details transcribed.  It would be great if you could go on and type up a few to help this all be actioned in the next week or two.


Lots more photos have been added to Facebook if you want to have a look (on Sara McCullum's page) and we will add some more on here during the week.
This Saturday we have our Stake Family Fun Day - Damien Watling and Josh Donker will be heading up the Ipswich team, so make sure you see them so you can help out or come along on the day and cheer loudly !!
Sisters it appears that our missionaries are not being fed very much at the moment by the Ward.  Please call Sister Catherine Donker if you are able to offer them a meal this week.  The lists will be passed around next Sunday as normal, please try and find a time in your calendar that you invite them into your home. 
A date for your diaries - our next RS Activity will be our annual trip to Felixstowe for fish and chips on Wed 20th August.
Please note there are a number of dishes still to be collected in the kitchen from meals provided to the Turners and other events, if you are missing something please take a look in there.
Also a reminder to check when your Cleaning Team is next due to clean the chapel, on recent occasions it has been left to just a few people to do the entire job.  This coming week is Team 11 headed up by the Green family.

This weeks lesson was taken from Chapter 13 of President Smith's book 'Baptism' in which he said "There is no more important counsel that can be given to any member of the Church than to keep the commandments after baptism.  The Lord offers us salvation on condition of repentance and faithfulness to his laws."  Are we taking that counsel in our own lives?

We discussed the important symbolism of water, blood and spirit being present when we born on this earth and the necessity that they are also a part of our 'new birth' as we are baptised and take on the Lords name and become part of His kingdom.

One of the most touching doctrines taught in the lesson was the revelation that children under the age of 8 do not sin and thus do not need repentance, or baptism.  Pres Smith told the story of his mission where they met with an American family living in England.   The family enjoyed associating with the Elders due to the American connection but made it quite clear they were not interested in religion!  The Elders waited, knowing one day the questions would come - and indeed they did.  One night the mother, weeping, shared that when they first arrived in England they lost a small baby.  They approached their local minister who told them he could not give a Christian burial and that their little baby was lost to them.  Weeping, this mother asked the Elders, 'is my baby lost?  Will I never see it again?'  What a blessing to have the knowledge to assure this mother, 'no your baby is not lost.  No baby is lost.  Every baby is saved in the kingdom of God.'

So what of us?  The Lord has expectations of us that we need to obey.  We made covenants at baptism and it is now our mission to try to faithfully obey them and to repent when we fall.

"Every person baptized into this church has made a covenant with the Lord to keep His commandments...we are told that we are to serve the Lord with all the heart and all the mind, with all the strength that we have, and that too in the name of Jesus Christ....We should not forget these things, for this commandment is binding upon us as members of the church."

We had a wonderful treat to finish the lesson today, as the Senior Primary came to sing to us about baptism - what a privilege to watch these wonderful children of God, all recently baptised teach us of the need to try to keep our baptism covenants and remind us what a wonderful blessing baptism is.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Billion Graves - Helping Hands

You sisters are amazing !!!  Thank you for all your hard work.  xx
The Wonderful Ipswich Ward Helping Hands Team

Thursday 10 July 2014

Sister Scriptorians

What a lovely evening we had as we learnt how to be Sister Scriptorians - a phrase coined by Pres Spencer W Kimball:

" I stress again the deep need each woman has to study the scriptures.  We want our homes to be blessed with Sister Scriptorians - whether you are single or married, young or old, widowed or living in a family....Regardless of your particular circumstances...become more and more familiar with the truths of the scriptures...become scholars of the scriptures...after all who has any greater need to treasure up the truths of the gospel (on which they may call in their moments of need) than do women and mothers who do so much nurturing and teaching?"
What do you think when you see this picture? 

Don't you want this safety and protection for yourself?
Don't you want this safety and protection for your family?
If you could have this simply by making scripture study a part of your life each day - wouldn't it be worth it?
We spent the majority of the evening looking at different ways we can study the scriptures - some of which included:
* Scripture journals - Chapters.  As you read sequentially through a book of scripture, keeping note of thoughts, impressions, questions, quotes, testimony as you learn.  These can be as simple as a written record or as colourful and arty as you wish them to be.  Remember this is YOUR journal and YOUR feelings, be happy with the method YOU choose - make them right for YOU.
*Scripture journals - Topics.  Pick up on topics that you wish to learn more about and keep a folder / notebook of your learning on the topics you choose.
* If you are new to journaling there are some wonderful scripture journals you can buy which take you through how to study - with boxes to fill in.  (See the scripture resource page for more info).
* General Conference journals - the teachings we hear at conference are scripture for us.  Include these in your journals as you learn and make them part of your life.
* Using the scriptures as we learn - set up a colour coding system to help you learn about specific topics (such as prayer, faith, obedience) and colour each scripture as you come across them.
* Put coloured tabs on the edge of the pages in your scriptures to aid you in locating certain scriptures.
* Every now and then there is great benefit in reading the scriptures - more like a novel - as you learn the stories and look for connections and teachings.
* Study characters in the scriptures and journal what you learn, how can they affect your life, how can you become more like them.
There are so very many ways to study the scriptures.  It doesn't matter which you choose, as long as you make that choice.  We heard testimonies from three sisters last night, incredible testimonies of how they have been led to study in different ways and the difference it is making to their families.
What will YOU do to become a Sister Scriptorian?  Can you imagine the affect of a Relief Society full of Sisters who did this every day?  The affect on our own spirituality and the protection for our families?  Isn't it worth the effort?
Please note we have set up a page on the blog with lots of resources on the Internet that you can access for ideas / help
Often a bible that is falling apart belongs to a person who isn't.


Sunday 6 July 2014

Announcements & Lesson 6 July 2014


This evening at 6.30pm there is a stake fireside for all youth who will be attending this years FSOY and their parents.

Wednesday evening we have our next RS Meeting 'Sister Scriptorians' at 7.30pm.    We really hope you will come along and join us to learn how to study the scriptures and to LOVE doing so.  We have handouts for all that can help you get started and find a way that works for you.

Saturday is our Helping Hands project.  Please meet at the Old Cemetery between 9.30 - 10am.  This is the entrance at the junction of Cemetery Road and Belvedere Road, there you will find someone to show you where to park and where to go.  Please read through the instructions on last weeks blog post so you know what to bring with you and what you need to do before the day. 

Thank you to those sisters who signed up today to bring desserts and / or salads.  Please note these can be dropped off at the chapel before you go to the cemetery, along with any children nursery aged up to 6yrs of age who will have an activity with the Primary Presidency.

If anyone is planning to come to Helping Hands but did not put their names on the sign up sheet today, please can you email Sara and let her know you are coming so that we count you in on the numbers and ensure we have enough food at the BBQ for all.

On 19th July we have our Stake Fun Day (Sports day) - Damien Watling and Josh Donker are leading the day and would love to have the input of the sisters on the Ipswich team.

Ashlea Sousa, our ward Music Director, will shortly be meeting with the stake music people and needs to know which sisters can play the piano, which can conduct music and any that would like to learn these skills.  Can you please let Ashlea know if you did not see the list.

We were also informed today that there are 3 job opportunities which have been placed on the ward notice board - these are Publishing Services Producer, Publishing Services Project Co-ordinator and Digital Media Producer.  Please check the board if you are interested, the closing date is 18th July.


Today our lesson was given by Sister Fatima Esteves, the topic, three things we can do that will bring us closer to our Father in Heaven.

1. Exercising Faith in Jesus Christ:

A wonderful quote from Sister Eliza R Snow (a former RS General President): 'Faith is energy....we must be energetic."

Fatima showed us that having faith that will take us close to Christ takes some effort on our behalf, she introduced the example of yeast, water and sugar and how each were vital for us to have in order to make the recipe work.  Likewise having faith (yeast) is not enough alone, it takes scripture study, temples, ordinances (water - the living water) as well as fasting, prayer and the gospel (sugar) for it all to come together and the recipe to work.

2. Listening to the Spirit of Revelation:

We must have faith to ask and then be willing to follow those prompting we do receive.  We discussed how rarely are we given answers all in one go, more often revelation comes in little packets over time.  We were counselled to put difficult questions to the back of our minds and go about our lives, pondering and praying quietly and the revelation will come.

3. Enduring the End:

This can be the harder part!  But we want to endure and we want to be firm in our testimony at the end. 

We heard a wonderful testimony from Miriam who shared how the Lord blessed her as she put her faith in Him over some difficult decisions and times she recently went through.  What a beautiful spirit that testimony brought to our lesson.

Fatima shared a wonderful scripture:

2 Timothy 4:7-8 " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."

How wonderful to get to the end of our lives and be blessed to be able to say those same words - I have kept the faith.  May that be the case for every one of us.