And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ... 2 Nephi 25:26

Sunday 26 January 2014

Annoucements & Lesson - 26 January 2014


We have our first RS enrichment meeting of the year THIS Wednesday evening at 7.30pm.  All welcome.

Just a few days left to complete your VT - please can we have your reports as soon as possible so we can see how the sisters on your list are doing.  We appreciate all that you do for your Sisters.

A reminder that we are supporting Post Pals this year (see the last blog post for details of how to take part with your family).

Sister Maureen Folley needs to go to Norwich for dental sedation on Sat 1st March (the date has changed) at 11am.  If anyone can help with transport please speak to Mo.


What a wonderful lesson we had today from Sister Annie Green based on Elder Holland's talk from General Conference 'Like a Broken Vessel'.

To read the talk please click HERE

Within this talk Elder Holland speaks of an issue that has touched many sisters and their families, that of depression and mental illness.  So often it is something we find hard to admit to for a variety of reasons.  Elder Holland said

"There should be no more shame in acknowledging them than in acknowledging a battle with high blood pressure or the sudden appearance of a malignant tumour."

We discussed the various reasons this might be the case - sometimes we feel weak, or it is because of others fear of ignorance of mental illness.  But Elder Holland was very firm in pointing out that we do not have to be ashamed of it and that we all have one person we can turn to, the One who can make "our own suffering first bearable, then understandable, and finally redemptive."  What a blessing to have a Saviour who not only made it possible for us to have life here so we can in turn gain exaltation but who also is ever willing to assist us every step of the way, no matter what our personal struggle may be.

Elder Holland shared some wonderful advice, advice we could do with reading again and again:

"Above all never lose faith in your Father in Heaven who loves you more than you can comprehend.  As President Monson said to the RS sisters so movingly last Saturday evening, 'That love never is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful, God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it.  it is simply always there'  Never, ever doubt that and never harden your heart.  Faithfully pursue the time-tested devotional practices that bring the Spirit of the Lord into your life.  Seek the counsel of those who hold keys for your spiritual well-being.  Ask for and cherish priesthood blessings.  Take the sacrament every week and hold fast to he perfecting promises of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Believe in miracles.  I have seen so many of them come when every other indication would say that hope was lost.  Hope is NEVER lost.  If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Saviour's own anguished example - if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead."

What wonderful counsel.

Elder Holland also spoke of Stephanie Nielson, a sister who after a terrible accident learned to cherish every day.  She became a wonderful 'Mummy Blogger' - You can watch Stephanie speak of her experiences HERE.

This wonderful talk ends with the counsel "may we live by faith, hold fast to hope and show compassion one of another."

May we ever hold on tight to our Saviour as we face the challenges we have in life.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Announcements and Lesson - 19 January 2014


We are sad to announce the death of Sister Beryl Baxter who has been a member for many years.  Her funeral will be held on Monday 27th January at 3pm at 7 Hills Crematorium for those who wish to attend.

Next weeks lesson will be taken from Elder Hollands talk 'Like Broken Vessels' from October General Conference.  Please bring your Ensign to class.

Wed 29th January will be our first enrichment activity of the year where we will be learning the basics of car care, an incredibly useful skill to acquire.

Isidore Klotz baptism will be held this coming Saturday at 10.00am - all are welcome to come along and support him and his family.

2014 Service Project:

We also have some exciting news as we launch our 2014 service project.  Last year as you know we donated hundreds of items sisters knitted to Upon Butterfly Wings which have been used to help support many parents who sadly lost their babies.  The charity have sent their thanks for the huge difference this has made.

This year we have chosen to support a charity where we can serve as individuals but also as families.  Post Pals is a charity which aims to send smiles to children who are very sick and their siblings by sending letters, pictures, small gifts - whatever we can to bring a smile to a child's face.  Many of these children will not reach adulthood and the charity do a wonderful job in bringing them some happiness while they can.   We would like to add to those smiles.

Each Sunday we will have a binder with the children's details in, if you would like to be involved please take a piece of paper and do something for them that week to bring a smile to their face and make their journey a little bit brighter.  It doesn't have to be expensive, a letter or picture is perfect and gives a wonderful opportunity to teach our children how to serve alongside us.  For those of you who would like to know a little more about the child you have chosen for this week, or have not had a chance to pick one - please click HERE and it will take you to the site where all the children's details can be accessed and also will teach you more about the charity.

If you want to pick a child each week, or one each month or just occasionally that would be great.  Please see Sara for the folder or if you have any questions.  How wonderful a chance to spread some smiles and happiness!!!


Yvonne taught today from Chapter Two of the Teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith, Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

President Smith shared his own feelings of Christ..."I think of the mission of our Lord, what He did for me and when these feelings come upon me I say to myself, I cannot be untrue to Him.  He loved me with a perfect love, as He has done for all men, especially those who serve Him and I must love Him with all the love I can."

Yvonne shared her own testimony of the Saviour and how joining the church was the best decision she has made in her life.  Isn't it wonderful that we truly can have our own testimony and know as both Yvonne and President Smith do that He is the Christ.

"Let it be uppermost in your minds, now and at all times, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God who came into the world to lay down His life that we might live.  That is the truth and is fundamental.  Upon that our faith is built...I pray that we may all walk in His footsteps and keep His commandments so that we may be like Him.  This is my desire, I hope it is yours."

Sunday 12 January 2014

Announcements and Lesson - 12 January 2014


Sister Maureen Folley needs to go to Norwich for some dental work under sedation on Wednesday 22nd January.  She is in need of a sister who can take her there and back.  If you can help please speak to Maureen.

We have our first Enrichment Meeting of the year on January 29th at 7.30pm, more details to follow.

Carolyn Smith was baptised yesterday and it appears someone has taken the dress home to wash but we don't know who!  If you have the dress can you please let a member of the presidency know.  Thank you


Today was the first lesson from the Teachings of the Prophets: Joseph Fielding Smith, Chapter One Our Father in Heaven.

President Smith noted the amazing discoveries and inventions that had happened in his lifetime but made an interesting comment: 'All of these have not drawn men nearer to God!  Nor created in their hearts humility and the spirit of has not increased in the world, nor has righteousness, nor obedience to God.'

He then went on to share with the Saints that the nature of God and how wonderfully blessed we are to have a true knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father.  In our class we were asked to choose one of the six topics in the lesson and choose a paragraph that spoke to our heart and strengthened the testimony we have of our Father in Heaven.  Click HERE and you can have a look and do this exercise at home - we found some real treasures about the nature of God and our relationship with Him.

An example of a couple of the quotes we shared and discussed were these:

"I feel most assuredly that our Father in Heaven is far more interested in a soul - one of His children - than it is possible for an earthly father to be in one of His children.  His love for us is greater than can be the love of an earthly parent for His offspring."

"It was never the intention of our Father in Heaven to leave men to grope and feel their way in darkness and that without any light to guide them and expect them under such conditions to find their way back into His kingdom and into His holy presence.  That is not the way of the Lord.  All down the ages from the beginning our Father in Heaven has shown His kindness for His children and has been willing to give them direction."

Sister Graca Serra shared her testimony of how wonderful it is that through the First Vision we were given a wonderful and clear knowledge of the nature of our God, that He is a personage and in very deed our Father.  How blessed we are to be in the hands of a God who is all powerful, all knowing and all merciful  - how very safe we are in His care.

Monday 6 January 2014

Announcements & Lesson - 5 January 2014

There were a few announcements today...

We have a baptism of Carolyn Smith this coming Saturday at 5.30pm.  Please come along and show your support for this wonderful moment in her life.

If any of you have not passed your VT reports / figures we need these ASAP so we can report the figures for this quarter.

Sister Maureen Folley has some further dental treatment to be done in Norwich under sedation on 22nd January in the afternoon.  She is in need of a sister to drive her and be with her while the treatment is performed.  Please if any sister can help speak to Maureen direct.


Our Presidency Message was given this month by our RS President Louise Lamb.  When considering what topic would benefit the sisters in our ward Louise noted that the most spoken about topic in the most recent General Conference was adversity and how to overcome it.  It is something we all have to encounter in our lives whether due to ill health, financial concerns, consequences of bad choices, relationships and so many other causes.

"We know from the scriptures that some trials are for our good and are suited for our own personal development.  We also know that the rain falls on the just and the unjust.  It is also true that every cloud we see doesn't result in rain.  Regardless of the challenges, trials and hardships we endure, the reassuring doctrine of the Atonement wrought by Jesus Christ includes Alma's teaching that the Saviour would take upon Him our infirmities and 'succor his people according to their infirmities' ".  Elder Neil L Anderson

There is so much we can learn from these trials we are called to go through, some of which we discussed were described here by Elder James B Martino.
“Our Heavenly Father, who loves us completely and perfectly, permits us to have experiences that will allow us to develop the traits and attributes we need to become more and more Christlike. Our trials come in many forms, but each will allow us to become more like the Savior as we learn to recognize the good that comes from each experience. As we understand this doctrine, we gain greater assurance of our Father’s love. We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience.” Elder James B Martino

We spent some time however discussing that although for every one of us it will be a case of when we have trials rather than if, the most important thing is how we approach them, what we do to handle them.  A particularly wonderful piece of counsel came from Elder Holland:

"So how do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love?  Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend.  As President Monson said to the Relief society sisters so movingly last Saturday evening, 'That love never is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful.  God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it.  it is simply always there.'  Never doubt that and never harden your heart.  Faithfully pursue the time-tested devotional practices that bring the Spirit of the Lord into your life.  Seek the counsel of those who hold keys for your spiritual well-being.  Ask for and cherish priesthood blessings.  Take the sacrament every week, and hold fast to the perfecting promises of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Believe in miracles.  I have seen so many of them come when every other indications would say that hope was lost.  Hope is never lost.  If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Saviour's own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead.'  Elder Jeffrey R Holland.

Sisters we have to hold on to our faith, we must immerse ourselves in the Gospel, we must turn to Christ, we must do the basics and continue to be where we need to be - it is the ONLY way.  But it is worth every effort we make, the blessings for staying true and strong are more than we could ever hope for:

"Your rewards come not only hereafter.  Many blessings will be yours in this life, among your children and grandchildren.  You faithful Saints do not have to fight life's battles alone.  Think of that!  The Lord declared, 'I will contend with him that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children'.  Later came this promise to His faithful people, 'I the Lord, would fight their battles and their children's battles and their children's children' the third and fourth generation."  Elder Russell M Nelson.

Sisters we love you. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

January has arrived...

What a beautiful quote from this months VT message.  Have you made an appointment to see your sisters yet?